Colorado State University Placements: Job Placement rate, Salaries, Internships & Part-Time Work

Colorado State University Placements is a really good school. They help lots of students get good jobs after they finish studying. In the 2020-21 school year, almost all the students either got a job or had plans for more studies. The university has many programs for students to choose from 76 for undergraduates and 159 for master’s degrees. People from over 800 companies worldwide hire students from Colorado.

Colorado State University Job Placements

The 2020-21 report shows that many students from Colorado State University find jobs easily. About 91% of undergraduates and 97% of graduate students get a job within six months after finishing their degree. Let us look at the important points about job placements at Colorado State University in 2020-21:

Particulars Stats
Rate of Placement  Graduate – 97%, Undergraduate – 91%
Rate of Internship  72%
No. of Employers 2,400+
Average Salary USD 40,399 – USD 81,081
Employers Woodward, Inc., KPMG LLP, Deloitte, Amazon, UCHealth
Top Industries Financial Services, Education & Social Impact, Health & Recreation, Animal & Agriculture


Colorado State University Graduates Overview

In the 2020-21 school year, 4,357 students completed their studies at Colorado State University. Among these graduates, 2,977 were undergraduates, and 1,380 were postgraduates. The student body included 2,323 females, and there were 242 students from international backgrounds. Looking at the diversity, the majority of students were Whites. Here are more details:

  • Whites: 3,131
  • Latino/Hispanic: 532
  • Multiracial: 153
  • Black: 87
  • Asians: 133


Particulars Stats
No. of Students 32,800
50% GPA Middle  3.4-4.1 (4.0 scale)
International Students More than 1,600


Colorado State University Part-time Employment

At Colorado State University, students have chances to work part-time and make money to cover their living costs. There are two types of student employment options:

Work Study:

  • A part-time job to help with expenses.
  • The usual annual work-study award at Colorado State University ranges from USD 3,500 to USD 4,500 per academic year.

Student’s Hourly:

  • Accessible to both Colorado undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Opportunities for part-time work are available across the campus.

Post-Graduation Opportunities at Colorado State University

After finishing their studies, Colorado State University graduates have access to full-time professional job options. The university is dedicated to offering improved employment choices, services, and additional benefits. Explore the job search resources provided by Colorado State University:

  • Campus Employment
  • Full-Time&Internships Jobs
  • Student Resource Center

Colorado State University Support for Campus Placements

Colorado State University provides on-campus placement support through its career services, offering the following assistance to students:

  • Guidance in exploring potential career paths.
  • Instruction on effective networking strategies.
  • Assistance in crafting resumes and cover letters.
  • Resources for graduates interested in applying to graduate school.
  • Conducting mock interviews and providing tips for successful employment interviews.
  • Education on salary negotiation techniques.

People May Also Ask

What is Colorado State University’s job placement rate?

As per the 2020-21 Colorado State University job placement data, 91% of undergraduates and 97% of graduate students are actively pursuing employment or further education. The report indicates that 66% of undergraduates and 73% of graduate students have secured employment.

Is Colorado State University good for an MBA?

Colorado State University holds a position among the top 100 MBA universities in the USA. International students can receive quality MBA education at a relatively low cost compared to other global MBA institutions. The university’s high MBA ranking and affordable fees make it an excellent choice for studying MBA in the USA.

What is Colorado State University known for?

Colorado State University is renowned for its impactful research across various disciplines, influencing lives globally. The CSU campus stands out as one of the nation’s most sustainable academic institutions, earning the top spot for curriculum focus on sustainability.

Is Colorado State expensive?

Colorado State University’s tuition stands at $12,896 for in-state students and $33,752 for out-of-state students. While this is higher than the national average in-state tuition cost of $11,560, CSU offers a comprehensive educational experience.

Is Colorado State good for international students?

Colorado State University is recognized as one of the nation’s top public research universities, showing significant growth in enrollment, student diversity, and student success over the past decade. The university offers an exceptional environment for international students, complemented by its remarkable location.

Why choose Colorado State University?

Colorado State University stands out with record enrollment, achievements in student diversity and success, unprecedented fundraising, and consistently increasing research expenditures. The faculty at CSU is nationally and internationally acclaimed for groundbreaking research, making it a compelling choice for education.

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